Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The All Important Introduction Post

FruitAfter4 what is it!?

FruitAfter4 is kinda like Rawtill4 except FA4 says you should eat your starches before 4 or at least six hours before going to bed to allow the glucose in the starches to fully process.

 Now after your lunch of starches and fruit what do I eat?

That's easy!  You eat fruit and low starch vegetables till you are full.

Now a little bit about me, my blog, FruitAfter4 and why FA4.

I am overweight, I weigh 334 lbs.  I am only 5'6" and 20 years old.  I decided back in November of 2014 that I would change, I weighed 365 pounds then and I, regrettably, calorie restricted and was still eating animal products daily.  Since then I have went vegetarian and then Rawtill4 vegan.  I won't say I'm always 100% vegan because sometimes it's either eat a little dairy or a small piece of chicken or go hungry and kill my metabolism again so I will eat it if I have to.  I do realize the difference in how I feel if I do have to eat that little bit of animal products.  It makes me feel sick and heavy in a way that starches can't and don't do.  I do try my best to keep myself 95-100% vegan all day every day and I feel good when I can.

This blog is going to be my daily documentation about my mood, my food, my calories, my sleep, my weight and all of that wonderful stuff.  I might even share some recipes if I find one I really like.

So I found FA4 on youtube.  Earthling Nutrition on youtube is where I found FruitAFTER4.  Her videos are not only fun and easy to understand but she also has all of her information backed by pure science.  If you ever need to contact her she does answer you when you message her on her facebook page Earthling Nutrition.

The reason I chose to do FA4 is because the science behind it is pretty on point.  Glucose inhibits fat burning so if you go to sleep with a low blood glucose level then your body will burn fat for energy and you will loose approximately 30 pounds of pure fat per year just by sleeping!  Thirty pounds of fat takes up the same area as 18 grapefruits!

See that up there, every little bit of fat lost is a major thing!  Five pounds of fat weighs as much as a masonary brick so thirty pounds of fat is like taking six bricks off your joints.  Wouldn't that be amazing?  I think so, this is why, for health reasons, I chose FA4.

For ethical reasons I don't like the dairy and meat industry, which is another reason I chose veganism.  Also since eating plant based I feel lighter, another reason to be vegan and see if FA4 will keep me feeling light.

So this is my introductory post.  Look for more from me later today and every day for at least 30 days.


  1. Hmmm, Fruits for dinner, starches for lunch. I am going to look into this. Thank you for sharing your story. Best of luck!

    1. If you follow the hyperlinks in the text they will take you to places to get more information from.
