Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Day 14

Wow, I didn't realize it had already been two weeks since I started this.  To be honest I am feeling really really good about things now.  The first day or three were rocky but now it's not much of a difference or problem to eat slightly different than I was.  Today was good except I literally got drenched because one of our planter boxes fell over and I was out, in the rain attempting to sit it back up and anchor it to something sturdy.

I got nine hours of sleep and almost 4L of water today.  My weight this morning was 331.7lbs or 150kilos.  All in all it was a good day.

Epic Calorie Breakdown!

Total Calories: 1935
Carbs: 378.5 grams (77% of Total Calories)
Fat: 21.7 grams (10% of Total Calories)
Protein: 67.6 grams (13% of Total Calories)

The last bowl of Honey Bunches of Oats.  Yeah I know, not vegan but hey I know I will never be perfect and to think I can be is just horrible because it can lead to anorexia, bulimia, and/or orthorexia.

Half a box of 100% whole wheat thin spaghetti with a sauce of one can of tomatoes and 2 cups of left over pinto beans from yesterday.  I also had two pieces of sourdough toast.

This was kind of odd but hey it'll be ok.  I had one cup of apple sauce, .75 ounces of almonds and a half cup of tapioca pudding.

Sorry for the lack of pictures, more will be up soon.
As always you guys are awesome and have a great night tonight and a great day tomorrow!

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